Action required: Phone number not valid?

Your order might be in Action Required, letting you know that “The order didn’t pass validation”, due to an incorrect phone number. What to do then?

Why is it important to have a valid phone number?

Phone numbers are requested by carriers because they have to contact the buyer if they have trouble finding the address for home deliveries. The phone number validation process helps to maximize the delivery success rate.

How does our phone number validation works?

We make verifications on the phone number received from your CMS, and display the error as you hover the phone number in the Order Page:

    1. Does the country code exists? If not, we display 'The phone number country code is invalid'

      - The country code is the first prefix of a phone number, i.e “+33” for “+33 6 12 34 56 78”

      - For phone numbers received without a country code, our algorithm automatically affects the country code of the shipping address in the order

    2. Is there only numeric characters? If not, we display 'The phone number is not a valid number'
    3. Is it the right amount of digits? If not, we display 'The phone number is too long for this country' or 'The phone number is too short for this country'
    4. Does the phone number exist? If not, we display 'The phone number does not exist'

      - Using a Google Database, we verify that the phone number is in service in the country.

What to do if the phone number did not pass checks?

If the phone number is invalid, the order status goes to Action Required, and awaits for a phone number review.

  • For merchants with the Delivery pack, Bigblue automatically contacts the customer via email to let them know that they have to review the phone number: you have nothing to do.
  • For merchants without the Delivery pack, try adding the phone number's correct country code or contact the customer to retrieve the correct phone number.

If all the above doesn’t work and your customer confirms the phone number is correct, or if you're willing to take the risk to send the order with an invalid phone number, you can escalate the issue to our Customer Care team.

  • Please note that releasing an order without the right phone number is a risky action as carriers often need to call customers. It can lead to unsuccessful deliveries.

💡 Consider subscribing to our Delivery pack

Bigblue’s Tracking Page and Emails help you reduce your support workload. We’ll contact customers who need to review their address or contact details.

Your support team has fewer manual actions…

…and you increase your delivery success rate!

How to ensure that orders are created with a valid phone number?

On your CMS, make sure that:

  • The phone number field is mandatory
  • You haven't removed the default validation of the phone number field (although, most of the time, it only checks the phone number country code and length, it's still an interesting safety nest)

💡 If you use Shopify, you can make phone numbers mandatory at checkout by following this guide

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