Impact of the Olympic and Paralympic Games - Paris 2024

The Olympic Games will be held from July 26 to August 11, and the Paralympic Games from August 28 to September 8, in Paris and throughout France. Due to the setup and dismantling of infrastructure, disruptions are expected between July 15 and September 15.

During this period, new traffic rules will be implemented, leading to new traffic congestion zones. Bigblue aims to anticipate these disruptions to maintain efficient deliveries and ensure your clients' satisfaction.

What are the new traffic rules?

Two main measures will be implemented:

  1. Certain major highways connecting Paris to competition zones will dedicate a lane to Paris 2024 accredited vehicles, emergency services, and public transport.
  2. Some areas will have total or partial traffic restrictions, either temporarily or for the entire duration of the event. There will be four different levels of traffic regulation:
    • Blue Zones: Activated for each event site 2 hours 30 minutes before each sports session and lifted 1 hour after the last session ends. Pedestrian and cyclist access is free, but motor vehicles must present a valid reason to enter.
    • Red Zones: Activated for each event site 2 hours 30 minutes before each sports session and lifted 1 hour after the last session ends. Pedestrian and cyclist access is free. Motor vehicle access is prohibited except with a special pass.
    • Gray Zones - Organizer: Pedestrian and cyclist access is controlled and limited to Paris 2024 accredited personnel and ticket holders. Motor vehicle access is prohibited except for Paris 2024 accredited vehicles and emergency services.
    • Black Zones (Opening Ceremony on July 26, 2024): Controlled pedestrian and cyclist access limited to Paris 2024 accredited personnel, ticket holders, and residents. Motor vehicle access is prohibited except for Paris 2024 accredited vehicles, International Sports Federations, and emergency services.

The main areas affected by these restrictions will be Paris (75), Yvelines (78), Seine Saint Denis (93), Hauts de Seine (92), Val de Marne (94), and Seine et Marne (77).

For detailed information on the restricted zones by date and department, visit the Ministry of Transport's dedicated website:

How to minimize the impact on your deliveries?

Bigblue will implement three actions to minimize the impact on your deliveries and ensure client satisfaction:

  • Standard (bigblue-fr-standard) and Standard Signature (bigblue-fr-standard-sign) services will be adapted to prioritize Colissimo

    Why? As an "Official Supporter" of the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, La Poste Colissimo will have the necessary accreditations to access restricted zones. Additionally, Colissimo committed in 2018 to decarbonize its deliveries in Paris by the 2024 Olympic Games. Bigblue will cover the additional costs.

  • Express (bigblue-fr-express) service will be adapted to prioritize DPD Predict

    Why? Chronopost will impose an exceptional surcharge from July 15 to September 15 in restricted zones. To avoid increasing your delivery costs while ensuring express delivery, we will prioritize DPD Predict for restricted postal codes during this period.

  • Extend delivery promise by one day for all impacted zones in Île-de-France from July 15 to September 8

    Why? Meeting delivery promises is crucial for Bigblue. Considering the expected disruptions and delivery slowdowns in affected areas, we will extend the announced delivery time by one day for all our delivery solutions.

We hope these measures will help maintain the satisfaction of your clients during this busy period.

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