Standard Delivery for Germany
For Standard Delivery in Germany, the best carrier is selected to achieve a 2 days home delivery with the highest quality.
Code ID : bigblue-de-standard
Main characteristics of this carrier offer
- A delivery service without signature
- Estimated delivery times is 2 days
- In case of a first failed delivery attempt, the parcel is reroute to the closest pickup point for 7 days
Parcels characteristics
- The maximum parcel Weight is 30 kg
- The maximum parcel Girth is 300 cm (2x height + 2x width + longest side)
Invoiced weight
- Shipments are invoiced with real weight
For which orders is it recommended ?
- B2C ✅
- B2B ❌
Name | Comment | Cost | Unit |
Undeliverable returns | Transportation fees for undeliverable parcel returned | 4.50€ | parcel |