Seur B2B
For SEUR B2B we have three different services
- seur-b2b-24
- seur-10
- seur 13.30
📦 For the best experience with SEUR B2B please add the name of the store and person receiving on the recipient name, and please add the store’s phone number (mobile or land-line)
Example of recipient:
Farmacia Toledo - Maria Gómez
- Next day shipping (Iberia peninsula) and 48-72h Baleares / Canarias
- Delivers to a commercial address (store, Corte Inglés, etc)
- Parcel shipments with multi-parcel option up to 10 parcels per shipment
- Max 40kg per parcel
- First delivery attempt Monday -Friday 8:00 h - 20:00 h
- For El Corte Inglés stores, SEUR will deliver by appointment before 10:00 h (no need to schedule individual appointments, SEUR has open slots on ECIs for deliveries)
- In case of failed delivery attempt, SEUR will contact the recipient and schedule a second delivery on a convenient time and day
- Next day shipping (Iberia peninsula) before 10 h
- First delivery attempt Monday -Friday 8:00 h - 10:00 h
- In case of failed delivery attempt, SEUR will contact the recipient and schedule a second delivery on a convenient time and day
- Delivers to a commercial address (store, Corte Inglés, etc)
- Parcel shipments with multi-parcel option up to 10 parcels per shipment
- Max 40kg per parcel
- Next day shipping (Iberia peninsula) before 13.30 h
- First delivery attempt Monday -Friday 8:00 h - 13:30 h
- For El Corte Inglés stores, SEUR will deliver by appointment before 10:00 h (no need to schedule individual appointments, SEUR has open slots on ECIs for deliveries)
- In case of failed delivery attempt, SEUR will contact the recipient and schedule a second delivery on a convenient time and day
- Delivers to a commercial address (store, Corte Inglés, etc)
- Parcel shipments with multi-parcel option up to 10 parcels per shipment
- Max 40kg per parcel