Follow the different steps of a return

An order can return for several reasons: delivery failure, expiration of the package's claiming period, return created by the buyer...

Learn how to follow the different steps of this return!

The different status that help you track a return

When an order status is Returning or Returned , the status of the corresponding return are displayed inside the order's page. This status can be either:

  • Created : the return was created by the buyer or by a user on the merchant app
  • Transmitted : the return's information (including its content) was received at the warehouse
  • Shipped : the return has been picked by the carrier and the parcel is transiting
  • Returned : the warehouse received and controlled the return, and items were put back in stock or classified as damaged

In between, the return shipment status will give you updates on the shipment (see below).

Follow the return shipment

How can I check the return of an order directly from the order page?

When an order is Returning or Returned , it appears in the Orders list and in the Order page, both in the header and in the return's card.

The status updates also appear in the Timeline at the bottom of the page.

Click on the tracking number to uncover more details, including the different return shipment events.

To access the carrier's tracking page, you can click on the Tracking URL.

Can I download all returns?

Yes, via the Export Returns button.

Can I be notified of a returning or returned order?

Yes! By setting up Slack and email and browser notifications for all return creations.

Seeking advice to easily process refunds? Follow this article.

How can I filter returning or returned orders?

You can use the tab "Return" in the Orders list to filter Returned/Returning orders.

How can I differentiate a carrier return from a customer return?

When a buyer or a merchant creates a return, it will appear this way on the timeline :

Follow the product storage at warehouse

Once the products arrive at the warehouse, they have to pass quality control.

If the products are not damaged and their quantity is as expected, they will be put back in stock.

Note : A damaged product is a product that cannot be sold anymore as it is.

Damaged products are stored separately and can be shipped back to you or destroyed, depending on your instructions, upon request to our support team.

Once reviewed at warehouse, the return control result appears the return card, in the "Received" column.

If the return was created in the Return portal, you can why the items were returned.

Once the return has been reviewed, the order status switches to Returned .

[Shopify] Follow the different steps of a return in Shopify

Follow this article to track specifically how returns are reflected in Shopify


Created / Returned / Returning in the return export: what does it stand for?

In the return CSV export:

  • Created : a return was created by the buyer or by a user on the merchant app
  • Returning : the return has been shipped and the parcel is transiting
  • Returned : the warehouse received and controlled the return, and items were put back in stock or classified as damaged

What are all damaged reasons?

  • Crumpled product
  • Damaged packaging
  • Damaged product
  • Missing or unreadable barcode
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