Prevent Bigblue from fulfilling products / orders

Some of your products or orders should not be fulfilled by Bigblue, hence you’d like Bigblue to ignore them? Discover how our bigblue-ignore tag works by reading this guide 🙈

Ignore Products

The solution discussed here is for Shopify or WooCommerce users only. If you’re using another CMS and require to ignore some products, please contact our Care Team.

By default, for each new order created on your CMS, Bigblue goes through each of the line items, retrieves the matching product or bundle (according to the links you specified), and fulfills them all.

However, there might be some products for which you need an external fulfillment and hence want Bigblue to ignore them. Simply not linking these products to any Bigblue product is not a good solution: it can result in order sync errors - details about order sync here.

If some of your CMS products should be fulfilled outside of Bigblue, you should add a bigblue-ignore tag on them to ensure that Bigblue can correctly process the orders that include both to-be-ignored products and to-be-fulfilled products.

Kindly note that once the tag is added to your CMS product, it gets ignored by Bigblue for all the newly processed orders.

☝🏾 How can I add the tag to my CMS products?

On Shopify, in Products, find your product, scroll down to find the Product organization card on the right of the page, find the Tag field, type bigblue-ignore , validate and save your changes. It should look like in the screenshot below.

On WooCommerce, in Products, find your product, scroll down to find the Product Tags card on the right of the page, type bigblue-ignore , validate and save your changes. It should look like in the screenshot below.

The tag can only be added at the product level, not at the variant level. Hence, if you sell a shirt with three size variants, then you can either ignore all three variants or none of them.

☝🏼 What happens with orders for which all products are tagged with bigblue-ignore ?

They will not be processed and will appear in Shop integrations with a “no shippable product” mention.

☝🏿 Should I add the tag to CMS products that are not in sale yet?

It’s not needed. If these products are meant to be fulfilled by Bigblue, you can simply link them on Bigblue. If these products are meant to be ignored by Bigblue, you can add the tag.

☝🏻 Should I link a to-be-ignored CMS product to a Bigblue product?

You don’t need to. All you need is to add the tag on your CMS product.

☝🏽 My product was previously fulfilled by Bigblue, but now I need Bigblue to ignore it, is it possible?

Yes, simply add the bigblue-ignore tag to your product and Bigblue will ignore it even if there is still an active link between your CMS product and the Bigblue product - details about product links here.

Ignore Orders

The solution discussed here is for Shopify users only. If you’re using another CMS and require to ignore some orders, please contact our Care Team.

If some of your orders should be fulfilled outside of Bigblue, similarly to what we described for products, you should tag these orders with bigblue-ignore to ensure that Bigblue doesn’t fulfill them.

To tag your orders, you can either:

  • Find each to-be-ignored orders and add bigblue-ignore in the Tag section on the right
  • Select several orders all at once and batch-add the bigblue-ignore tag
  • Set up a Shopify Flow that automatically adds the bigblue-ignore tag depending on some order specificities (destination, customer, fraud analysis results, line items…)

☝🏼 What happens if I remove the bigblue-ignore tag from an order?

Removing the tag automatically triggers a notification from Shopify to Bigblue saying that the order was updated, and Bigblue then syncs the order just like for any new order. (If the order is not already fulfilled on Shopify, Bigblue will try to fulfill it. More about order fulfillment here.)

☝🏻 How can I use Shopify Flow to automatically tag my orders with bigblue-ignore ?

First, install the Shopify Flow app from the Shopify App store and open the app.

Then, click on Create workflow and Select a trigger to start building your workflow from zero. Select your trigger (usually Order created), add a condition that matches your needs, and add an action that is Add order tags with the tag bigblue-ignore .

For example, to add the a bigblue-ignore tag to the order each time the chosen delivery method is "Scheduled Delivery (in 3 months)", your condition can be to have the Shipping lines title that exactly matches "Scheduled Delivery (in 3 months)", which would be the name of the delivery method.

Last but not least, add a title to your workflow and click on Turn on workflow and confirm by clicking on Turn on — we recommend testing your workflow once it is properly set up.

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